Due to SevillaTeje, all orders placed between april 25 and may 12 will be dyed starting on may 13th. The orders will start shipping more or less one week later. Thanks for your patience!

Ethical yarns hand dyed with eco dyes.

Colors full of stories to make you happy!

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14 y 15 de septiembre: TEJER Y CANTAR TODO ES EMPEZAR, en Soria.

October 12-13: KNIT.EAT, in Lyon (France).

skeins of hand dyed yarn

Adiós y hola!

Pues sí, a veces hay que decir adiós! Y aunque me dé muchísima pena despedirme de alguno de ellos, es el momento de quitar algunos

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Bienvenidas ISHTAR!!!

Ya las tenemos aquí, las más divinas, las que te dejarán sin palabras… como a mí! Para todas las que no las pudisteis disfrutar cuando

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My name is Laia. Soc una troca is the name of the yarns I dye in my small atelier at the mountains in the south of Catalunya. The rural surrounding is my inspiration, the colors and the light are an invaluable source of ideas. I try to live with respect for nature. That's why I use eco friendly dyes using techniques with a very low impact for the environment. In addition, the wool I dye comes from sustainable sources with good farming practices. Soc una troca are the colors that make me happy, and I hope to contribute to your happiness too!

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